Aja is just showing off her rolly legs and baby gut. Mine is getting bigger than hers now, but for a while she looked more pregnant than me. Here are some of her new activities...putting on our sunglasses, playing with Johns cell phone, and wearing his shoes.
We went swimming and sidewalk chalking at our condos. Aja loves to draw!
Aja loves this little bunny. She drags it around everywhere with her, including outside. And then she forces you to kiss it. It is gross, but she is just to cute to resist! I try to wash it as much as she will allow me to sneak it away.
Johnson got a bee sting on his forehead while biking! The bee got stuck in his helmet while he was biking and attacked. A couple days later his left eye swelled up and it has been like that for a couple of days. That is the third bee sting our family has had since moving to San Diego. There are too many bees here. And I have been pooped on twice by a bird. Maybe we are just unlucky people!